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000120_owner-lightwave-l _Fri May 5 01:17:15 1995.msg
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Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 20:21:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: Joe Angell <jangell@risd.edu>
Subject: Re: LightWave 3.5 is fading fast!
To: David Roth <david.roth@bahianet.com>
Cc: lightwave-l@netcom.com
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On Wed, 3 May 1995, David Roth wrote:
> -=> On 03 May 95 7:42:, davewarner@globalone.net wrote: <=-
> dn> Uh HUH! So, the common denominator here is the Amiga 3000...I'm
> dn> experiencing this problem only on my A3000 w/Warp Engine running
> dn> LightWave 3.5 Standalone.
> If I remember correctly, this is about rendering problems (speckles or
> something). Well I have an Amiga 3000 with Toaster 2000 and LW 3.5 and have
> never experienced any problems what so ever. I don't have a Warp Engine
> though, Mine is a Progresive Mercury (UGH....ARRRGH....BLAH) 040 at 33MHz.
> LightWave runs fine in copyback mode for me. I've had this setup for about 3
> years and It's been stable and reliable since day 1.
Just to joing in, I have a G-Force 040 33MHz (A2000) with copyback on, and
it's fine and dandy -- according to SysInfo, I looses about 25% of my
speed by turning it off... Point is, LW works fin with Copyback for me...
AND for all you people with A2000's out there... I called RCS after
hearing that they'll be making an 060 card for the A2000. They said
they'll certainly be doing it (I don't know who I talked to, but I get the
feeling it was someone who knew a lot about the company) since there are a
LOT of A2000s out thereand they almost never fail like 4000s/3000s (he
said). He also said there was some sort of problem getting a true 060 to
work with the A2000... Something about 68000/68010 instructions work, but
anything above fails. He also said that once Motorolla releases it's Cold
Fire (I think that's the name) chip, that it'll be used for an A2000 card.
The Cold Fire seems to work with all instruction sets, and is 2x 040 speed.
RCS's # is Phone: 514-990-5477 <- NEW NUMBER
FAX 514-926-3131.
Oh, and this little tidbit from AmyNews Issue 17/April 1995:
- There are a lot of falsk rumoures around about how fast a Pentium can
render a pictures using LightWave. A Motorola 68060/50 MHZ is 20% to 30%
faster than an Intel Pentium 90 MHZ. At the latest CeBIT they
demonstrated it. An Amiga equipped with a Cyberstorm 68060/50 MHZ run
LightWave faster (55 sec for the test frame) than the Pentium 90MHZ
(70 secs for the same frame).
Imagine Amiga version 3.2 was also 30% faster on the 68060/50 MHZ
Amiga compare to imagine running on an IBM PC clone equipped with an
Intel Pentium 90 MHZ.
It also says that 50 MHz cards do about 85 MIPS, and 80 MHz cards do
around 130 MIPS! (CyberStorm 060s, but they're only for 3000/4000 machines)
So I'll just be sitting back, waiting for those 060 cards...
(BTW I don't know if that's Windoze 3.11 or Windoze NT, which, of cource,
makes a BIG difference)
And about that 750000-poly rendering DSP card... AmyNews has this...
- Advanced Systems & Software, AS&S, Germany, the maker of CyberVision and
CyberStorm 68060 for the Amiga is currently developing 2-GO!, an all new
DSP-Board for the Amiga.
The Zorro-III DSP Board allows you to greatly speed up your Amiga. MPEG/
JPEG coding and decoding is possible in real time.
The 2-GO! processors are freely programmable, so one could use it as a
render engine, port OpenGL to it, do audio processing etc.
The hardware consists of a very fast Zorro-III interface (up to 34MB/sec)
, 64 bit DSP memory, a 64bit port to the CyberVision64 graphics board and
audio/video in & output.
The board is powered by a DSP (max. 2 billion instructions/sec), a
master RISC CPU (50 MIPS) and a floating point unit (100 MIPS). This is
enough number crunching power for MPEG/JPEG de-/encoding, or for
rendering 750.000 gourard shaded polygons/sec to the Cybervision.
The software is planned to include a MPEG/JPEG tool, interfaces to 3D
renderes and image processors and libraries for you project developement.
The 2-GO! should be released during the second half of 1995, at a
projected price of $2600 US.
Phase 5 digital products (used to be Advanced Systems & Software, AS&S)
Homburger Landstrasse 412
60433 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 (69) 5488130
Fax: +49 (69) 5481845
That's about it... Sorry if I went a bit off topic...
-- Joe